SOL Day 30: No SNOW!!!!

So April is just around the corner and they are talking about snow for tomorrow and Saturday here in Massachusetts. What?!!!!! I literally feel like I want to cry! NO!!!! It’s spring! I need sun, and warmth and to NOT be wearing my black boots anymore! Ugh. I am surprised at how upset I actually am about this forecast. It’s not a big storm, just enough to be cold, gross, and annoying.

Saturday, April 1st, my cousins and I are all going into the North End in Boston for dinner and a show. It will be 10 of us, five couples, all for a kid free fun night out. We have been planning this get together for months and felt that April 1st would be “better” weather. I had a cute top picked out with wedge booties (that I can’t wear in the snow) and now it’s going to be yucky out and wintry. Ugh. So, back to my black boots and winter coat. So annoyed!

I realize that I am the WORST New-Englander ever. I should totally live somewhere south or west coast, or somewhere that is warmer and sunny and that they don’t have winter! I lived in Scottsdale, AZ for two years between college and graduate school and the weather was perfect. I LOVED it. I came home for Christmas and then I was back in the sun. However, twenty years ago when I lived there, it was “weird” to me not having seasons. I actually missed it. More so, I missed my family and my friends, which is why I decided to come back. Well, I also missed trees and real grass and seafood and the city. I missed New England. I try to remember that when I feel like this. I LOVE Boston, Cape Cod, New Hampshire, the beach.. all of it. I love it from April (usually) until right after Christmas. Then I’m MISERABLE from mid-January through March! 🙂 Clearly, when I eventually retire my husband and I need to be those people that “go south” for the winters! 🙂 Ha.

Well, I’m still crossing my fingers that it doesn’t snow, and this will pass us by! (Praying) however, I know I need to suck it up and make the best of it. The family is getting together and it will be lots of laughs and fun. I will stay positive and just enjoy the night even if I can’t wear my cute new shoes. 😦

4 thoughts on “SOL Day 30: No SNOW!!!!

  1. I am so sorry to hear that there is snow forecast in April. It just isn’t right. In the Pacific NW, we are just hoping for no rain…. and maybe just a little sunshine. I hope the forecast is wrong and you get to wear those wedge booties.

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  2. Smilin.. plenty of time for your cute shoes. Sounds like a wonderful kid free night in Boston! I visited Cape Cod 2 summers ago and loved your descriptions of the things you miss in New England. I live in Wyoming and am also sooo ready for spring and sun. Hurry on up Spring!

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  3. Come on spring – c’mon!! I live in Indiana and it’s been warm there—BUT I am on spring break skiing out west, so I know just what you mean when you are sick sick sick of those black boots. I know I’m returning to spring, so I can do this for another day or two! Have a great night out!

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